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Who are Dewees Island owners? Why did they choose Dewees?

There are 150 homesites on the island and 150 ways to be a Dewees Island Owner.  Some folks live here full-time, taking the ferry and their own boat for work or school.  Others are retirees who are drawn to the combination of quiet natural beauty and a pretty active social life.  We can be alone on a beach watching baby turtles scurry toward the ocean, spend the day fishing with buddies on the dock, and finish the evening with a great meal in some of Charleston’s best restaurants.  We invited some film-makers to come find out the answer to that question, and here is what they found:

There are 85 undeveloped lots; two are under construction.

There are 68 finished homes.

Some Dewees Island Owners go into town every day, others try to stay on the island for as long as possible.  (For their first years on the island, before becoming full time residents, Judy and her young son had contests to see who could leave the island the fewest times each summer.  They usually tied at 3 visits to town apiece over the 9 week summer.  Others (in normal, non-COVID times), are downtown or in Mount Pleasant every day, even twice a day.  You get to create your own island reality.

A truly connected intergenerational community of lifelong learners

Even COVID-19 didn’t keep this community from connecting in special ways.  From golf cart parades to tailgate sunsets to a socially distant halloween gathering to a turkey trot, we found ways to get together safely.  

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