Dewees Real Estate

Moving Things onto the Island: Dewees Island Barge

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How do you get your stuff onto Dewees Island?

Everything comes (and leaves) by boat.
The Dewees Island barge is scheduled on an as-needed basis to pick up garbage and bring construction equipment and supplies. There are at least two sizes of barge that come to the island to transport construction vehicles and supplies, as well as garbage dumpsters and golf carts. Owners pay for a percentage of the barge that is used by their vehicles or equipment (a U-haul driver would pay for the percentage of that barge it takes up.)

Moving trucks arriving by barge can transport your belongings right to your house.

You can also arrange for use of the smaller ferry, which is used when there is not enough barge traffic to justify the larger, more expensive ferry. This ferry is a flat hourly rate, and can accommodate smaller vehicles, large items, dumpsters, and golf carts. Golf Carts often also come by barge, although some carts may fit on the stern of the large ferry. In order to move a golf cart on the ferry, you must pre-arrange this with the accountant and the ferry captain. Large items like appliances can also be brought by ferry, and it’s a good idea to check with the ferry captain to make arrangements in advance.

To check on the barge schedule, call the island accountant for details and pricing.

Barge with moving vans leaving Dewees Island

Please work with Catherine well in advance to manage the logistics of the barge.

Dewees Island Barge arriving

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