Dewees Real Estate

Maps and Plats

Plats for Dewees Island

We’ve collected a number of maps and plats over the years. They are here below: remember that you’ll want to have your own tree survey done, and many of these may even be out of date. This one is the original master plan:

Dewees Island master plat

This one covers lots along Dewees Inlet drive.  Since this plat was drawn, Lot 1 has been subdivided into two, and the line between lots 2 and 3 has shifted.

Here are the first lots along Old House Lane”

And here is the end of Old House Lane and most of Lake Timicau:

This is Pelican Flight Drive:

More on Pelican Flight Drive

The end of Pelican Flight Drive:

Pedestrian Boardwalks on Lots 14-20


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